BLACKSheep® Examples page
[This page shows some c-Code examples for using the BLACKSheep(c) drivers.
Serial Interface Driver
First the SPI bus must be initialized. Than a call of SPIopen for each slave is necessary.
Currently only the master mode is supported.
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/*************************************************************/ /* Initialize the spi bus first */ /*************************************************************/
unsigned long nSCLK = 125000000; // current system clock in [Hz] unsigned long nCCLK = 500000000; // current core clock in [Hz]
#ifdef SPI_INIT_BUS_0 nPrintWidth=printf ("Initialize SPI interface 0..."); tErrorCode = SPIsetup(0, nSCLK, nCCLK, true); if(tErrorCode) { BS_PRINTF_FAILED(nPrintWidth); } else { BS_PRINTF_OK(nPrintWidth); } #endif #ifdef SPI_INIT_BUS_1 nPrintWidth=printf ("Initialize SPI interface 1..."); tErrorCode = SPIsetup(1, nSCLK, nCCLK, true); if(tErrorCode) { BS_PRINTF_FAILED(nPrintWidth); } else { BS_PRINTF_OK(nPrintWidth); } #endif #ifdef SPI_INIT_BUS_2 nPrintWidth=printf ("Initialize SPI interface 2..."); tErrorCode = SPIsetup(2, nSCLK, nCCLK, true); if(tErrorCode) { BS_PRINTF_FAILED(nPrintWidth); } else { BS_PRINTF_OK(nPrintWidth); } #endif
/*************************************************************/ /* Open an SPI slave */ /*************************************************************/
unsigned char cSPI = 0; //SPI bus number
unsigned long ulCSEL = 0x80000800; //Use PF11 as CS // unsigned long ulCSEL = 0x80001000; //Use PF12 as CS // unsigned long ulCSEL = 0x80002000; //Use PF13 as CS // unsigned long ulCSEL = 0x80004000; //Use PF14 as CS
SPICfg.mbMaSl = true; //Currently only master mode is supported, so set it to true. SPICfg.mtCSEL = ulCSEL; SPICfg.mnBaudrate = 20000000; //Baudrate in [Hz] SPICfg.mnTransferSize = SPI_8BIT; SPICfg.mnClockPolarity = SPI_CPOL_HIGH; SPICfg.mnClockPhase = SPI_CPHA_HIGH; SPICfg.mnMsbLsbFirst = SPI_MSB_FIRST; //MSB first or LSB first SPICfg.mnMasterErrorFlag = SPI_NONE; //Dont change this SPICfg.msDefaultWord = 0; //Bitpattern which should be clocked out during an SPIread.
/*************************************************************/ /* Device should be ready for data transfer */ /*************************************************************/ unsigned short ausData[50]; SPIread(hSPI, ausData, 50, NULL); //Read out 50 bytes of data. SPIwrite(hSPI, ausData, 50, NULL); //Write 50 bytes of data.