Development Board Initial Tasks (i.MX31)

Aus BECOM Systems Support
Version vom 22. August 2023, 20:35 Uhr von en>Peter (1 Version importiert)
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Jumpers and Dipswitches

Set the jumpers to the following positions

  * JP201: Position 1+2
  * JP202 (not labeled, 2 Pins only, close to JP201): Position 1+2
  * JP203: Position 1+2
  * JP204: Position 1+2

Set the Dipswitches according to the following list

  * S1: 
     * 1 - Off
     * 2 - On
     * 3 - On
     * 4 - Off
     * 5 - Off
     * 6 - Off
     * 7 - Off
     * 8 - On
  * S301:
     * 1 - On
     * 2 - On
     * 3 - Off
     * 4 - On
     * 5 - Off
     * 6 - Off
     * 7 - On
     * 8 - On

Power Supply

Connect the +12V Power Supply. Do NOT insert the Core Module yet. Switch Power on. The two LEDs labeled 5V and 3V3 should light up. Measure the voltages (e.g. directly at resistors next to the LEDs). They should roughly be at 5V and 3,3V accordingly. After you have checked the voltages, switch the board off and insert a core module. Make sure the core module is seated firmly (a little pressure when inserting might be needed). Switch Power On. You should now see a third LED, labeled P_VIN lighting up. Check the voltage at the resistor. It should be at around 4,3V.